Our Kindergarten teachers have shared their 'Parent Suggested Supplies' List.
10 days ago, Linda Castro
Kindergarten Suggest Supplies
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will be hosting a Vaccination event on: June 12th from 9am-12pm at the Hesperia Unified School District. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
about 2 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Vaccine flyer English
Vaccine flyer Spanish
We still have a few yearbooks available for purchase while supplies last! Come pick up a copy for your student as a keepsake for the year! Yearbooks are $30 (cash only) and will be on sale in the office until they run out. —— ¡Todavía tenemos algunos anuarios disponibles para su compra hasta agotar existencias! Ven a recoger una copia para tu estudiante como recuerdo del año! ¡Los anuarios cuestan $30 (solo en efectivo) y estarán a la venta en la oficina hasta que se agoten.
2 months ago, Mindy Leyvas
Field Day is almost here! We are heading into summer with some fun. Field Day for 1st-3rd grades is May 22nd & 4th-6th is May 23rd. Please see the attached flyer for details. TK/Kinder field day will be May 24th. Be on the lookout for more info from your child's kinder teacher. Let the games begin! El día de campo ya casi está aquí! Nos acercamos al verano con algo de diversión. El día de campo para los grados 1.º a 3.º es el 22 de mayo y del 4.º al 6.º es el 23 de mayo. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más detalles. El día de campo de TK/Kinder será el 24 de mayo. Esté atento a más información del maestro de kindergarten de su hijo.
2 months ago, Mindy Leyvas
An event you won’t want to miss. Come be part of something incredible.
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD Games Post
Our 3rd - 6th graders will be completing State Testing beginning this Monday, April 15th through Friday, May 10th. Here's what you can do to support at home: -Make sure they get a great breakfast -Have them get plenty of sleep -Give them words of encouragement -Get them to school on time, everyday Thank you all for your support! Nuestros estudiantes de 3-6 grado completarán los exámenes estatales a partir de este lunes 15 de abril hasta el viernes 10 de mayo. Esto es lo que puedes hacer para apoyar en casa: -Asegúrate de que reciban un excelente desayuno -Que duerman lo suficiente -Dales palabras de motivación -Llevarlos a la escuela a tiempo, todos los días ¡Gracias por todo tu apoyo!
4 months ago, Mindy Leyvas
All schools and district offices will be closed for Spring Break from March 25th to March 29th and reopen Monday, April 1st.
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
spring Break Graphic
Good afternoon families. Tomorrow is a NORMAL day for elementary school. Dismissal is at 1:47 as usual. Next week we are off for Spring Break. We hope you make some memories and get some rest. We’ll see you back on April 1st. Buenas tardes familias. Mañana es un día NORMAL para la escuela primaria. La salida es a las 1:47 como de costumbre. La semana que viene nos vamos de vacaciones de primavera. Esperamos que crees algunos recuerdos y descanses. Nos vemos de regreso el 1 de abril.
4 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Spring Break
HUSD Games coming Spring 2024 • Follow @HUSDGames on Instagram for the latest updates. This inaugural fitness event will unite and uplift students with disabilities across the Hesperia Unified School District. 🏅
4 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD Games Logo
Here are our HOWL slip winners from last Friday. These students are showing Honesty, Ownership, Work Ethic, and/or Leadership. Nice job Coyotes. Keep up the good work! Aquí están nuestros ganadores de HOWL del viernes pasado. Estos estudiantes están mostrando honestidad, propiedad, ética de trabajo y/o liderazgo. Buen trabajo Coyotes. ¡Sigan con el buen trabajo!
4 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Primary Winners
Upper Grade Winners
On Friday, we had several international students from Japan come to visit our Coyotes! They visited a few classrooms and got to learn about schools in America and we got to hear how they are different from schools in Japan. Thank you to Ms. Shea for setting this up and bringing some new friends to Cottonwood! ¡El viernes, varios estudiantes internacionales de Japón vinieron a visitar a nuestros Coyotes! Visitaron algunas aulas y conocieron las escuelas de Estados Unidos y pudimos escuchar en qué se diferencian de las escuelas de Japón. ¡Gracias a la Sra. Shea por organizar esto y traer nuevos amigos a Cottonwood!
4 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Students visiting from Japan
Good morning Coyote families. This is a friendly reminder that school starts at 7:30. Today we had 78 students come after the tardy bell rang this morning. Please remember that is is very important for students to be in class on time, ready to learn at 7:30. Thank you! Buenos días familias Coyotes. Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que la escuela comienza a las 7:30. Hoy tuvimos 78 estudiantes que vinieron después de que sonó la campana de tardanza esta mañana. Recuerde que es muy importante que el estudiantes llegue a clase a tiempo, listo para aprender a las 7:30. ¡Gracias!
4 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good afternoon. We just completed our code red drill. Our students and staff did an amazing job following our safety protocols. Way to go Coyotes! Buenas tardes. Acabamos de completar un simulacro de código rojo. Los estudiantes y el personal hicieron un trabajo increíble y se aseguraron de que se siguieran todos nuestros protocolos de seguridad. ¡Así se hace Coyotes!
4 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Happy Friday Coyotes. It's Daylight Savings Time again. Please don't forget to spring forward this weekend! Feliz viernes Coyotes. Es el horario de verano nuevamente. ¡No olvides adelantarte este fin de semana!
5 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Don't forget to Spring Forward this weekend.
Hi CW families! Tomorrow is spring picture day and also Pajama Day. It is unfortunate that these 2 events coincide. If you would like to send students with pajamas to change into after they have their picture taken, please do so. You are also free to not have your student participate in pajama day. Thank you! ¡Hola familias de CW! Mañana es el día de las fotografías de primavera y también el día del pijama. Es lamentable que estos 2 eventos coincidan. Si desea enviar a los estudiantes con pijamas para que se cambien después de tomarles la fotografía, hágalo. También es libre de que su estudiante no participe en el día del pijama. ¡Gracias!
5 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Hi CW families! Tomorrow is spring picture day and also Pajama Day. It is unfortunate that these 2 events coincide. If you would like to send students with pajamas to change into after they have their picture taken, please do so. You are also free to not have your student participate in pajama day. Thank you! ¡Hola familias de CW! Mañana es el día de las fotografías de primavera y también el día del pijama. Es lamentable que estos 2 eventos coincidan. Si desea enviar a los estudiantes con pijamas para que se cambien después de tomarles la fotografía, hágalo. También es libre de que su estudiante no participe en el día del pijama. ¡Gracias!
HUSD will be closed in observance of President's Day. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, February 19, 2024 and reopen Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
5 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Mount Rushmore with American Flag and text
HUSD will be closed in observance of Lincoln's Birthday. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, February 12, 2024 and reopen Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
6 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Lincoln Memorial with american Flag and text
HUSD will be closed in observance of Lincoln's Birthday. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, February 12, 2024 and reopen Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
6 months ago, Hesperia Unified
lincoln Memorial with american flag
HUSD will be closed in olbservance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Schools and the district office will be closed Monday, January 15th 2024 and reopen Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
7 months ago, Hesperia Unified
graphic for mlk jr. day
Good morning Cottonwood Families! Just a friendly reminder, today is NOT a minimum day for elementary schools. Our students will be released at 1:47 pm. We wish you a wonderful holiday season from our family to yours and look forward to seeing you on January 8th.
7 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School